Adobe® Acrobat® 9 Pro Extended :
Deliver the richest, most engaging PDF communications anytime, anywhere
Adobe® Acrobat® 9 Pro Extended software was built to meet the demanding requirements of business and technical professionals, today and in the future. Create interactive PDFs using simple-yet-sophisticated tools. Organize and share the widest range of content — including documents, spreadsheets, e-mail, images, video, 3D, and maps — in a single, compressed PDF Portfolio.
Share video in PDF files
Automatically convert a variety of video formats to SWF for reliable, cross-platform sharing of video, animations, and applications in PDF documents. With native support for Adobe Flash® technology, no additional media player is necessary for playback.
Create interactive presentations
Use included Adobe Presenter software to liven up your Microsoft PowerPoint slides. Add video, voice-overs, demos, and interactive quizzes to keep your audience engaged and improve knowledge retention.
Collaborate more effectively
Enable team members to review and comment on complex content, including 2D and 3D design data, video, and interactive maps.
System Requirements :
* 1.3GHz or faster processor
* Microsoft® Windows® XP Home, Professional, or Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 2 or 3 (32-bit and 64-bit); Windows Server® 2003 (with Service Pack 2 for 64-bit); or Windows Vista® Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with or without Service Pack 1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* Internet Explorer 6.0
* 512MB of RAM
* 2.35GB of available hard-disk space
* 1,024x768 screen resolution
* DVD-ROM drive
* Video hardware acceleration (optional)
Please Note:
Windows Vista And Windows 7 Users Must Disable UAC And Restart Their PC Before Installation.
Reason ?
During Setup, Ur hosts File Will Be Patched So Adobe Cannot Talk Back To Ur Computer Blacklisting The Serials.
UAC Can Be Turned On After Setup Has Completed Successfully.
Installation Instructions :
1). Mount Image Or Burn To DVD Using, Imgburn,MagicISo,PowerISo,Nero... Ect
2). If Setup Doesn't Start Automatically, Explore The Disk And Run The 'Setup.exe' File (Must Be Done) NOT The (AutoPlay.exe) File.
3). During Installation Use Any Of The Serials Provided. (Serial Text Document Is Located On The ISO/DVD)
4). Have Fun. This Is Fully Updatable..... Just Don't Register The Software :)

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