This isn’t an attention-seeking post – it’s a valid question.
If you didn’t post anything for a whole week, would anyone notice?
I thought someone might notice when I didn’t blog this week, but nobody said a word. This gives me a couple of thoughts.
1. There’s no point bending over backwards to post so often. Why write 5 posts per week at Quick Blog Tips? Why force myself to come up with content just to fill each day with a post? Post less, say more.
2. I haven’t promoted my blogs enough – few people know about them. I’ve never been great at promotion, besides a bit of blog advertising and posting on Twitter. Commenting on blogs is one way to get people to your blog. But I’d particularly like to attract comments from people who don’t have their own blogs. This isn’t going to be easy at Quick Blog Tips, as it’s a blog about blogging. Also, I’ve noticed that bloggers seem to be much more likely to comment than non-bloggers. The trick is to find a topic that attracts non-bloggers. A blog about blogging isn’t the best start!
3. My posts just aren’t all that compelling. I don’t know how true this is as I’m obviously biased towards the stuff I write. But what do you think? Would I be better off posting less, or changing topic? I’ve realised that my most enjoyable blog posts are actually the ones I write for the CMF Ads Blog, because I’m talking about something I’ve built and how it works. I love building things and seeing other people using them.
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